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Old 03-19-2009, 11:18 AM   #54 (permalink)
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i'm not going to debate this because there is far to much information used for both sides. i was stating my beliefs and saying that both theories should be taught. they are in fact both theories of how the world began and i don't see why they both can't be taught. people have a huge issue as soon as god gets brought into the picture and disregard anything after that. teach both theories and let people decide what they want to believe. we shouldn't brainwash our children by saying one theory is better than another when neither can be proved.

as to a theory being a guess, well an educated guess then. it the best we got but in simple terms a guess. being off by a 100 million years well that is obviously an exaggeration.

as for researching either theory they are both biased. and the problem with teaching only one is nothing more than brainwashing. i was taught creation as a child as my parents are very religious, i don't agree with them on a lot of things but some has merit. a lot of the stuff i learned on creation is just as much bull**** facts as the ones presented by someone on evolution. i don't think anyone should be taught just one side of an argument or theory. i had to research evolution on my own later on in life as i was in a christian private school and they didn't teach evolution other than it being far fetched. evolution has it downfalls and you can deny them all you want but like i said to believe in creation pretty much takes believing in god so obviously if you don't well you'll write it all off. personally, evolution and creation are the only theories i've heard of as the beginning of life so that doesn't leave many options if you don't believe in a god. the fact remains that a lot of facts for both sides are subject to error and cannot be explained so they are taken as fact even though they aren't entirely accurate.
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