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Old 03-19-2009, 01:54 PM   #1 (permalink)
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[QUOTE=toretorden;617674]The problem about evolution is that religious people feel threatened by it and they are opposing it ferociously with tooth and claw. Indoctrination, brainwashing, pseudosciences, whatever they can say and do to decredibilize science in general - all tricks are being used.

here is a point i will agree with you on and the same reason why i'm not about to defend the theory of creation. the same can be said about aspects of evolution. i will also say that the last time i read into either of them seriously was probably about 10 years ago or more so maybe their is more facts out there now.

their are millions of people who believe in the theory of creation and their are millions who believe the theory of evolution. between the two groups one present facts and other discredits them and vise versa. the point comes down to if the evidence clearly points to only one theory out of the two or other theories as well where is the harm in presenting all theories and letting people decide for themselves what they want to believe. you say creationists are threatened by evolution and will take any means possible to disprove it yet as an evolutionists you are against even presenting the theory of creation in school. why?? most people will believe the logical theory no??
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