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Old 03-23-2009, 04:15 PM   #32 (permalink)
Al Dente
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Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent View Post
naturally they have practical value, because they allow us, as an individual organism, to adapt to our environment so that we can better sustain ourselves in it. the crux of the scientific reality is, however, to see the individual organism as separate from the environment, which is always an arbitrary boundary. the religious truth which i am hinting at is the collapse of that boundary, which renders science effectively futile. however, operating in the realm of sensuous experience, science is a very useful tool that allows us to play a variety of games which together consitute the experience known as 'life.' the problem is when rather than using science to adapt to our envionrment, we use science to disfigure our environment into reflections of ourselves, because we try to use scientific and logical understanding to pinpoint our own identity, which is futile since it operates on a schism in our identity. again, i'm sorry for being so abstract, i can't really help it, at this point i'm talking about things like mass entertainment and communications and increasing global corporate control, which i feel harbor self-destructive tendencies and convince people to want only what they can't have. as such, though there is an obvious divide between religion and science, science without any sort of aim or direction is probably the biggest threat imaginable to humanity.
very well said
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