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Old 03-24-2009, 09:55 PM   #22 (permalink)
Kamikazi Kat
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Originally Posted by loose_lips_sink_ships View Post
My friends have been talking about Halo Wars nonstop lately. It's kind of bugging me now.
Same here. Only a few were planning on getting it, but one day I walked into school to see all of them talking about how fun it was last night, and I think to myself "oh man..." And it ends up they ALL got the game. So I end up getting the game so I'm not left in the dark playing something else, and the game is sort of average. Its your basic RTS with really nice graphics. I think the biggest dissapointment in that game is the online lag. Both the game itself and people's connections lag bad when the action gets big, I've even seen it during LAN games. Sure, the battles are big, but other RTS games seem to deal with it much better, some of those being made by the same developer that made Halo Wars, Ensamble Studios. The worst thing is that they recently went out of buisness, so that means there a good chance that no patches or dlc will be released.

Now there is talk of everybody selling Gears of War 2, and I'm already hearing that some are going to buy cod 5, a series of games I really don't like (no offense to cod fans, I just have different taste). I may sound like a really boring person saying this, but what ever happened to slower paced shooters? Thats what I like about Halo3, there is more time for more things to happen in one specific situation instead of the usual "2 people see each other, 1 person shoots first, the other person dies" thing I see in the games like cod4. While in Halo3, things are a bit slower and there is room for more variation. Both are fine if that is what you like, but over time I get tired of so many people saying how much better cod4 is because its "faster." Sorry if this sounded whiny, but this is an accumulation of an entire of year of people at my school, online, and basically everywhere else saying how much Halo3 sucks because its slower paced. Ughh...
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