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Old 03-31-2009, 09:24 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Yukon Cornelius View Post
Spamming is the abuse of electronic messaging systems to indiscriminately send unsolicited bulk messages

I didnt spam at all, as a matter a fact most of the posts I have put up have been sucessful. If they were spam why would anyone waste time on them??

I ask for your opinions on most posts, this is because either #1 I want to know how you (generally speaking) take certain things. #2 Make me a bit more informed...

What happens to me is I am personally attacked in a condesending manner...
I dont believe that just because someone has a different out look they should be so rude...

The Lochness monster thread was not mine... So without even looking you pass judgement which is common around here...

If you will notice in the thread "Watch this" you will see that I requested that you watch before you post... That way you will have possibly the same outlook I do or at least know where i am comming from... Rather than that sleepy used very obvious and common practice statments to debunk something that he didnt watch... Honestly, Its like talking about something you have never done.

I obviously can see where he is comming from but without knowing what I am talking about how is he supposed to debate? Basically what happened there is i fell into his trap of mind games and unorganized debate... This gives the appearance that I have no idea... One top of that he made very one sided comments that dont debunk the video at all...
Conspiracies were invented by people who expect everyone to conform to their definitions and standards.

1. Spam has nothing to do with e-mail here. You either know that and your being a child, or you didn't know that and you should read some books. You decide.

2. Success is not measured by the number of responses you get. It has more to do with endurence than it does with how closely it resembles a super nova. I suspect you did not know this, and now I'm telling you.

3. In a thread asking for your own punishment, you have no rights to stand on a soapbox.

You do not post constructivly, by and large. Our job is to make sure people want to come to this site, and you stand in the way of that. Lets make it as cut and dry as possible.

People don't google "music boards" to come listen to you rant. Figure that out or leave. I'm not against the foils of seriousness but you'll note that some of the regular guys who contribute nothing but atagonistic comments aren't SPAMMING the lounge with threads. Their not even spamming in threads. They make one comment and retire to the shoutbox.

I suggest you do the same for awhile and work on your album review.
I've moved to a new address
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