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Old 04-02-2009, 06:04 PM   #20 (permalink)
Terrible Lizard
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Originally Posted by Kevorkian Logic View Post
Do any of these things bother anyone else?

-*******s who interrupt me, particularly *******s who interrupt me when they're not part of the conversation.
-bitches who whine about everything. Grow a pair of balls and get over it.
But it's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo like ***.
- People who jump to completely unfounded conclusions
You're a Starbucks *** aren't you!
- People who think they know ANYTHING about someone they are talking to on the internet
I believe you have my stapler.
- People who use 'you seriously need to get laid' as some kind of universal "I > you stfu u fuken noob" insult
You need to get sodomized.
- Hypocrites
I know this is immature, it's the one thing that really annoys me.
- Self-righteous twats that will, in the same breath, denounce something, but then say something that advocates it; especially the ones that don't realise they're doing this
Wait wouldn't that count under hypocrite?
- People that are incapable of understanding that different people like/prefer different things
Psst anyone who likes Slipknot should be scalped and hung.
- People who are quick to judge others, but take it as an extreme personal insult if you judge them, their actions or their preferences
Aaaah! You discovered our weakness!
- People that think pointless spamming is at all amusing
HEYILOVEYOULETS****!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!1- People that abuse the fact that moderators on some forums/chat servers/chat channels/any other community communication medium, have to treat everyone neutrally
- People who have absolutely no financial sense, that take out multiple large loans that they then have to sell their credit-bought possessions for to cover
- Drama queens
see: Hypocrites
- The facebook development team
Hey what did I ever do to you!
- People that are overly obsessed with how they look
- People that act normally around 'black' people
You ****ing racist.

- People that will consider you a 'loser' if you don't take part in or enjoy X activity
But I love doing whatever that is.
- People; who don't type.......... anywhere! close to coherent grammar on the internet4444

- People who think they are more "veal" than other people

- People who type lol after everything, as example "I just saw you lol" how the **** is that funnyLOL?!!!
-John Martyn
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