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Thread: Wtf is this...
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Old 04-09-2009, 11:59 AM   #42 (permalink)
Souls of Sound Sailors
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I agree with tons of people here. It's good to remember that she must be going through something really, really awful right now. My girlfriend's taken two pregnancy tests over the course of our relationship, and I don't know what the fukking hel! I would do if they turned out positive. That would be incredibly difficult.

Also, you should be glad she left you, honestly man. She cheated on you, for one. She cheated on you AND got pregnant with someone else's baby, for two. That's enough to justify a divorce in my opinion, let alone an eight month relationship. Stop being so dependant on this girl.

Third, it's good to remember that your just infatuated and overwhelmed with connectedness and feelings. It doesn't seem to be much more, either, because (IMO) when your really in "love" with someone, there is a lot of work that goes into making that love. That work is the thing that is the fundamentals of all the trust, acceptance, communication, and tons of other things. Without the work and effectively getting through hard times, there is none of those things. If eight months into a relationship she lied, cheated, and dumped you without explaining much, you were seriously lacking in the communication, trust, empathy, etc.

What I'm saying is this: The hurting is a product of emotion, not a good relationship being torn from you. Eventually that emotion will fade, but in the mean time, you haven't really lost anything worth losing. In fact, your actually saved from being emotionally dependant on not breaking-up with a girl that your relationship with is just based on strong feelings. Then being forced to deal with her cheating and having baby's behind your back for years to come- and then, of course, one day realizing how much time you just pissed away.

Sorry to be blunt, feel better soon man.
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