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Old 04-12-2009, 12:07 AM   #443 (permalink)
Ahem's Avatar
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 25
Lightbulb Grunge...

I needed a place to write some stuff on my mind, and I found this forum.

1. "Grunge Fashion"
Well, the whole point to grunge is that we don't have a fashion or anything close. We truly don't care what you think (unlike the sparkly, glittery hypocrites a lot of you seem to love). Simply, when you buy a flannel shirt to look grunge at payless for 80 dollars, you're an idiot. You're not a poser though, you're just an idiot. Us "grungies" bought flannel because it's cheap and warm. Not because it symbolized a type of music, which happened because of the advertising scams everyone claims to hate (another hypocritical point).

2. The Name
Simply put, we don't like the name "Grunge". Someone said it because of it's dictionary definition which explained us. But of course, soon enough, media slapped it on as a label and tryed to bunch us all together. Which is actually against what we scream for, ending up making more people look like idiots. Go figure. Now, it's different when some guy says, "So you're into Grunge music?" Of course we say yes, because we are. we like the music we make, but we think it's stupid to give us a label when the whole point is to be independant.

3. Attitude
We are rebellious, but we're not some faceless no-name yelling at our presidents because mom said she dosen't like war. We (notice I say we, not trying to bunch us together, but mostly agreeing with each other) rebel only to what we think needs rebelling. This is the same for the common dad, except that people like me who are or were teenagers, are stuck with this freakin label of angst, creating a thought for adults that it's a phase we'll pass through, which really pisses me off, because it's not that we overcome it, or you tamed us, it's that either some of us were traitors and decided that there's a way you're supposed to be, or that we simply gave up (something that is hyped up as being bad. Giving up is a choice we're allowed to have, and is sometimes wise). I read earlier a headlining for a "Teen Angst" book to help parents take control. The headling was, "Tips to Tackling the Years in Which They Think They Deserve to Be the Boss". That made my face red. All a parent needs to do is be who they are and not be overdramatic about things. Drama in teens derives from retard parents raising thier children like retards. If the parent wasn't dramatic, the kid wouldn't be dramatic, thus no reason for anyone to be dramatic. Remember, drama always comes from drama.

that's it for now, I didn't read any rules because I was too lazy, so if I break any I don't really care since it was my fault...
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