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Old 04-14-2009, 01:24 PM   #26 (permalink)
MB's Biggest Fanboy
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Originally Posted by lucifer_sam View Post
i've only thrown up twice while intoxicated, one was rather tame, but the other was just glorious.

a little while ago, i made the misfortunate decision of smoking after i already drank about a half case of beer. hammered at the time i lit up the bong and took the largest hit i've ever taken in my life, blacking out instantly. my friends tell me they found me on the side of the road, leaning against a telephone pole. they brought me back inside where i proceeded to vomit everywhere -- all over myself, all over the carpet and the bathroom. they said that they had to kick out my knees to get me in front of the toilet.

i came to in a puddle of my own lovely stomach juices on my couch. i have no idea how i managed to get home without getting arrested.
Oh man do I love nights like this... About a month ago when I signed my lease with my housemates for next year, we decided to conquer a bottle of Sailor Jerry's Rum. We succeeded, and later that night, I threw up everything from the entire day that was in my stomach. The stench took about 2 weeks to clear out of my bathroom, even though we bleached the entire place twice.

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