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Old 04-19-2009, 10:46 AM   #137 (permalink)
Music Addict
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Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 73
Default Running Away

For once, this isn't a song. Just a poem that is both metaphorical & litteral.

Running Away

We run on a silent wooden path,

Our tired feet beat down tired dirt,
in perfect stride.

Kicking up little clouds of dust.


Perfectly timed,
speeding off into the night.


This wasn't choreographed,
or rehearsed. We just happened
to put the same foot first.

I get lost in the beat to
this music we're creating.

Our feet and over-exerting
hearts and lungs, become the
sounds of percussion and drums.

The city is nearing,
you quicken your pace.

But I'm much too tired
to follow you and run away.

I try to run faster, to catch up to you.
But there's too much dust for me to even see through.
I know-it sucks. I'm sorry wasted all your precious time.
My life was like a fairytale . . . Except I left Mr. Charming for his sister
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