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Old 04-22-2009, 11:49 PM   #89 (permalink)
I'm sorry, is this Can?
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It's a new review! omygod.

Alcest – Souvenirs d’un Autre Monde


Year: 2007
Genre: Shoegaze
1. Printemps Émeraude
2. Souvenirs d'un autre monde
3. Les Iris
4. Ciel Errant
5. Sur l'autre rive je t'attendrai
6. Tir Nan Og
I think this is the third album from 2007 so far to make it onto this list (feel free to correct me as I cba to check, just be happy you’re getting a fucking review from me.

Something’s always bugged me about this album, more of a curiosity than an annoyance though. Despite the massive and obvious black metal influences, it never comes off as “heavy”. Instead the metal passages carry a certain, mystical, beauty. Repeating chords and wailing guitars with simple drums somehow resonate in a way which just plucks at your heart strings. Even so you’ll feel relieved when the more quiet parts come around, but eventually you’ll start missing it.

This album digs deep into your heart, Printempts Emeraude is a beautiful example of that. The track builds up a tension and then eases it off, but just not enough for your mind to completely relax. The kind of nervous and careful structure of the song make you feel like it could shatter at any second. It’s more of a lullaby than an evolution of black metal. Sometimes however, it feels like you’re listening to Nirvana’s Come As You Are (don’t ask me how I make the connection listen for yourself.

Printemps Émeraude

The album loosens up a bit as you dive further into it, the title track is a welcome diversion. The nervous nature of Printempts finally gives in to a more cheerful soundscape in the title track. From a fragile beauty to a more confident, strong, but still beautiful ambience. Even Les Iris stays a bit off the heavy side, while far more powerful than the rest of the album, there’s something about it that just keeps it from ever getting too much.

Les Iris

Despite the relatively short length of the album, the main good and bad thing about the album is the repetitiveness in the songs. All songs are between 6:07 and 7:39 in length and generally follow the same structure. While there are slight variations in it, if you’re trying to intently listen and analyse it can get tedious. However, if you’re out to enjoy this album, it makes it even more enjoyable. Sit back, relax with a nice pint or glass of spirits and just let the melodies and atmosphere wash over you in waves. It can eventually put you into a bit of a stupor.

The whole album very much evens out and eventually just fades away incredibly peacefully. The whole album plays out very much like the kind of dream you’d hit the snooze button to continue. And in that same way you’ll probably want to play it again and again, just for that feeling you get when you listen to it. It is a very satisfying album and it gives exactly what you want, unfortunately it’s a bit short, but put it on loop and you’d probably not notice the difference.

Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Originally Posted by antonio
classical music isn't exactly religious, you know?
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