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Old 04-24-2009, 04:27 AM   #59 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Well I hate beans so there.

And the idea of everyone eating beans is not very pleasant.

Again I've said it before. You're not gonna achieve anything by telling people to stop eating meat and that they don't have any rights in the matter. If you want to put a dent on factory farming. Do something to help the growth of organic farms, encourage more people to eat organic and for more people to kill their own food. Organic farms can't meet the demands that factory farming does, but that would mean less consumption of meat, which I assume is what you want, but it'll still be there for those that want it, everyone wins and nobodys rights regarding what they can or can't eat are dictated.

Either way if you care about the issue that much, there's a lot better things you can do than to try and convince people not to eat meat, which is a severe waste of time and the only thing you'll suceed in doing is making people think you're a morally imperialistic snob.
If you read my posts and not just the last two, you'll see that I probably eat just as much meat as you do.

Originally Posted by tore
Anyways, I'm a hypocrite because I do like meat and I eat a lot of it. I'm a bit too cynical and I think that it doesn't make a difference what I do. Me eating corn and salad is not gonna dent what the free market meat industry does today. However, I applaud those who are idealistic and think that's a good thing. In my dark mind, I believe that in order to really make a difference, you would need government regulation. In most democratic societies today and also the future I believe, such intervention would not be popular so I don't see it happening.
Anyone who bothers to read should see that I'm not taking the moral highground here.

I think the tragedy is that most likely, one person is not gonna do his or hers for the environment if their neighbours don't. Because of that, most people by far won't and it takes collective effort to make a difference. The most feasible way to get there is to get a green government which means that in a democratic country, a majority of people have to vote for someone pushing that kind of politics. In other words, they have to agree that they should make sacrifices for a common good. I think most people prefer more meat today than having to give up some of it so that we have meat next week, so I think of it as unlikely though not impossible.

I can understand why single individuals don't wanna give up meat, I'm one of them. But that doesn't mean we have to be ignorant in regards to the tragedy of our own predicament. Maybe when the day comes and the opportunity arises, some of those who don't want to make an individual effort will still agree to do a collective one.

However, if people are ignorant in regards to all this, you can't even expect them to try and partake in collective effort. Thus, I think some education is needed.
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