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Old 04-24-2009, 04:57 AM   #61 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by boo boo View Post
Then by all means try and encourage more people to go organic, and try to do something that helps the causes of organic farmers. Support politicians that are going to do something about it.

If that's all you're doing that's fine, but you're not achieving anything by trying to make people feel guilty for eating meat, especially when you eat it yourself. That's not gonna fly with people, you can't change peoples minds, I know what kind of horrible conditions animals are put through, it doesn't make me want to go vegan, and the only thing vegans constantly telling me to go vegan does is make me hate vegans.

It's like telling pot smokers to quit pot. So please, don't go about it that way.
Eh, I'm not telling people to stop eating meat. My point is that it's not good for the planet we live on and people should be aware of that. As someone else said, we don't inherit the earth from out ancestors, we borrow it from our children. You somehow seem to think that speaking that message is a horribly arrogant thing to do which I find slightly ridiculous. Appearantly, you would rather live in a society where noone speaks up so that it remains oblivious to it's problems. Well, I don't believe in that and the same goes for many so, tough ****, I'm not gonna act according to your wishes. You ask me to stop posting about it, something I find quite arrogant.

Also, I don't agree with you, it is possible to change people's minds and saying it's not is incredibly cynical and naive.

If you can't deal with an uncomfortable truth, then I suggest you stay away from those who speak them rather than expect them to shut up. In other words, if you can't discuss the subject, leave the thread.

edit :

Also, organic farming is entirely besides the point. I'm not sure I'm convinced that organic farming is for the best. Does it produce more food per square mile than the regular kind?

Wether or not organic farming is worth it food vs. environment-wise is a topic best discussed on it's own, I think.
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