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Old 04-26-2009, 09:08 AM   #330 (permalink)
midnight rain
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Originally Posted by thisWARisours View Post
Let's see for today:

New Orleans vs. Nuggets
Really good game, the Nuggets came back from 10 in like two minutes at the end, then miss at the end to loose by two.

Spurs vs. Mavs
Spurs were playing pretty bad without Manu, they had a run and cut the lead down to 5 in the 4th. Parker hit some nice shots, then they shot like six threes and missed every single one, easy Mavs closure.

Heat vs. Atlanta
Dwyane Wade totally had this game...I remember him hitting some threes...then the next possession he went for an open three, missed, Haslem rebounded it, gave it to Wade, who slammed it over Atlana defense.

Lakers vs. Jazz
Jazz just couldn't hit anything in the second half...and Kobe pretty much hit everything he tried for 38 points.

I'm from Cleveland so I want the Cavs to win it all, but if they don't...Miami Heat. I want Lakers to get knocked out before the finals, only if the Cavs go. I hope the finals get to be Cavs v. (Anybody but L.A.)

Overall, this years playoffs have been amazing so far!

Ray Allen's buzzer beating three for the win against the Bulls...which I was pretty mad, but expected him to do that exact thing, so it wasn't really surprising!

Igoudala's game winner was hot.

I loved Thaddeus Young's lay-up gamewinner was nice, but Lewis shot the final shot way too soon, there was still a second on the clock.

Then Derron Williams' game winner was AMAZING! I totally went crazy haha, then the defense on Kobe on the last play was really good.

So yes, I'm following..hah.
I for one ****ing hate the Cavs. Probably has to do with being a Lakers fan in Ohio, same reason I hate Bengals fans as a Steelers fan myself.

I'm glad the Hornets beat the Nuggets, I'm not a fan of Melo at all. Spurs looks like they're knocking on death's door, another good sign. I'm hoping Atlanta will beat out the Heat, but I'm impartial to either team really. I like the Bulls alot (except Joakim Noah, he's a twat) and as a Lakers fan, naturally I hate the Celtics. And the score of the Lakers vs. Jazz game last night is deceiving, it wasn't as close as the score indicates. Would've been a major blowout if the Lakers had kept up the pace they were going at.

Crossing my fingers for another Lakers championship...
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