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Old 04-28-2009, 10:01 AM   #353 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Before you rely too much on human experience, you should know what humans are capable of in regards to suggestion, placebos etc. We affect ourselves more than you might think. In another thread, I posted a vid where they set up a fake ghost story, then get unkowing mediums to investigate it. One of the mediums actually gets posessed by the fake ghost (named George Bull for "bull****") and actually thinks she has a real "possession" experience.

I don't think it's unlikely at all that people who try out ouija for example feel like they have some kind of paranormal experience. Especially if you throw a little fear into the mix, people can imagine or "suggest" to themselves some rather weird things. Would the ghosts or demons be there when the sun is out and the birds are singing though?

I've also had "paranormal" experiences, but I don't think of them as such. I think it was a mixture of fear and other things leading to mind tricks.

Also, a thing about coincidence is that if you are to take 6 numbers at random between 1 and a million, the chance of getting 1 every time is just as high as getting a sequence of different numbers. Many people don't understand probability and humans have a highly developed ability to make associations where there are none, such as associating the slamming of a door with an unknown presence. Put people in a "ghost house", let the wind close a door - they might believe it was a ghost.
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