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Thread: Make A Religion
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Old 04-30-2009, 07:51 AM   #15 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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If I wanted to make a religion, I'm not sure what it would be about, but I'd be sure to include plenty of things that should help make a religion successful in competition with other religions.
  • It should accept science to a great degree so that believing it doesn't become too paradoxal
  • I would have "missionairies" to convert more people
  • I would use alienation and scare tactics in order to keep believers from leaving the fold
  • I would promise power over things many people have little power over, such as their happiness, health or even other people
  • I would have a hierarchy with several levels where acceptance to the next level is somehow rewarded f.ex by heightened spiritual awareness and revealed secrets. Progress through these levels will serve as a filter, making sure only those most devout and most vulnerable to suggestion rise to power in my church which is good for loyalty etc. Those who rise become more and more into the religion and more and more subjected to suggestions softening up their sense of reason so that they will accept more and more outlandish things.

In short, my religion will prey on the weak, latch onto them and not let them leave. Lafayette Ronald Hubbard beat me to it, though.
Something Completely Different
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