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Old 05-02-2009, 01:36 AM   #7248 (permalink)
daddy don't
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Originally Posted by [Paranoid.Android] View Post
It's this crazy formerly Toronto/now NYC-based Gonzo Journalism publication that focuses on three things: Drugs, Music, and Counterculture. They have some seriously funny articles, but what they're "famous" for (if you can call 'em that, they're still really underground outside of Toronto and NYC) is the "Do's and Don'ts" section, which basically pokes fun at stupid people for wearing/doing stupid things and showcasing badass people. It's a fashion critique from someone who's totally unfashionable, and they're just horrendously funny. You can check out the 'zine at their website (which I have to do for new stuff, seeing as it's pretty hard to get a Canadian 'zine in the damn Midwest). Also, you can check out The Vice Guide To Sex, Drugs, and Rock and Roll as well as their Do's and Don'ts: 10 Years of Street Fashion Critiques, which should be available at any Barnes & Noble or Borders. They're pretty much made of awesome.

And I was actually full of "annoyed" in that picture... I'd been riding in the backseat of a car for four hours on a pointless road trip to Oklahoma of all places, and was bored. :P
Why Oklahoma?
'Cause it's there.
aka nihilistic hipster garbage. They've got it in the UK too, branches around the western world. The 'zine and it's readership/writers were the main inspiration for the pastiche site and subsequent TV series 'Nathan Barley'.

I know someone who freelances fashion photography for them, I (honestly) was informed this having just remarked to her boyfriend 'oh look, Polaroids of a topless vamp bulimic girl wearing a fox mask, she should send those off to Vice'.
The laughs depend on how long you can withstand the 'barbs' of mentally pulverized art-grads with rich parents, and whether or not you agree with their utter lack of stance on anything (other than what is cool and sardonic to their contemporaries and 'taboo' to anyone else). But then I guess that's the fashion industry, totally pointless.

As far as music goes - they were hot on Black Kids before anyone else I believe (!)
Although it is free (at least it used to be), which is why I suppose the new issue was always to be found in our bathroom.

[SIZE="1"]Eff em
tumble her
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