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Old 05-02-2009, 04:45 PM   #3224 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Hellraiser II : Hellbound .. I'd seen this movie before although it was many, many years ago. The quality is not remarkable, but the story and the visuals are so outlandish that I wanted to watch it again.

The main character in both the first and second movies is the young woman Kirsty. In the first, her evil uncle Frank solved the lament configuration, a puzzle box that if solved correctly opens a portal to hell. The cenobites, I guess you could call them demons, then came and took him away. Frank escapes hell and slowly returns to life when a drop of blood is spilled in the attic of the house where Kirsty lives with her father and evil step-mother Julia. At first, Frank is just a lump of organs and needs to "consume" other people in order to fully turn back into his own self. Kirsty's step mother is Frank's ex-lover and she's the one getting the victims for him .. a bunch of murders down the line, Frank is pretty much back to his old self.

Of course, evil uncle Frank is a problem and Kirsty gets a hold of the box. She solves it, opening a portal to hell and when the cenobites come to take her, she bargains with them, trading them the life of Frank for her own. The cenobites then take evil uncle Frank and evil step-mom Julia back to hell but Kirsty's own father also gets killed in the process.

Hellbound starts pretty much where the first movie left off. Kirsty is in an insanse asylum. However, one of the neurologists working there has a secret obsession with the box and the hedonistic pleasures it promises and so he knows Kirsty's experiences are in fact real. He's able to bring back her evil step-mother and then gets another patient, a girl who never talks but is extremely good at solving riddles, to solve the box and open a portal to hell.

I won't tell you everything that happens, but the movie is extremely outlandish. The second half pretty much takes place in hell as that's where all the main characters eventually end up. The movie's horror is extremely visual and disturbing for such a "mainstream" or at least well-known film series. Much more visual than psychological.

If you like horror extravaganza of the visual kind and plots that are about as outlandish as they can get in a movie which is still supposed to be serious, watch this one. It's too weird to immerse yet still manages to be unsettling now and then. It does not have quite the quality of the first one, but I think the entertainment value is at least as high. My GF can't watch it because the visuals give her nightmares. They don't scare me and so it's not such a scary movie .. but it doesn't really rely on spooks to work, so that's alright with me.
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