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Old 05-05-2009, 04:50 AM   #10 (permalink)
Scarlett O'Hara
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Originally Posted by lucifer_sam View Post
we call 'em both. res hall is more formal of the two. the Brits are all about that 'dormitory' business though.
Dormitory seems so...old. Hall of residence seems far more formal and appropriate to me.

Originally Posted by The Unfan View Post
This is a bit of a stretch but when someone dreams its caused from the brain naturally releasing dimethyltriptomine. It might be possible that she was in the middle of a dream and thus woke up with enough DMT in her system to still be hallucinating.

Back on topic, I've always viewed superstition as a manifestation of fear. People expect the worst to be true so they counteract it with paranormal comfort thoughts.
True, but it doesn't explain the fact that she felt a cold wave beside her, and the people who spotted that woman it can't have just been made up when more than one person saw her. Just saying.
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