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Old 05-09-2009, 10:11 AM   #1840 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Hobb's End
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1. If you could ask God one question, what would it be?

I'm not sure if I would say anything, I think I would just sit and listen to what it has to say.

2. Do you have a middle name?

Yes, David, my grandfathers name

3. Choose one moment in history that you would like to have personally witnessed...

I would have to say the Russian Revolution.

4. 3 things you should never do...

Go up to a guy who's talking to a girl at a bar or club, put your hand on the guys shoulder and nod at the girl at say "wanna go halfers on a rape charge?"

Drive a car like you would in Grand Theft Auto

Tell a dead baby joke at a funeral.

5. Describe the most peaceful moment of your life...

I managed to find my way up onto the roof a my friend's very tall apartment building downtown. It was high enough that I couldn't really hear anything but the occasional construction work. I'm not sure why, but I felt at peace with myself, I had clarity and yeah... it was nice.

6. How would you describe "The American Dream"? Does it really exist? Did it exist in the past? Has it changed?

I would describe it as doing and living happily. I'm not sure where the white picket fence, beautiful house wife in the suburbs, and 2.5 kids came from because that does not equate to happiness in my mind. I think as long as people are doing what makes them happy and living comfortably the "American Dream" exists, but you can change the title to better suit your setting. As far as it existing in the past, I think it was a good marketing gimmick used to drive people out of the city and to the 'burbs where they could feel "safe" and now I just laugh at the massive rush back into the city due to gentrification. Has it changed? Probably, I think a lot more people are content living in a 640x800 sq ft apartment with a loved one, or maybe I just hang out with too many yuppies.
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