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Old 05-09-2009, 01:21 PM   #1847 (permalink)
I'm sorry, is this Can?
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Join Date: Jan 2008
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1. If you could ask God one question, what would it be?
If you created us, why make us so goddamn stupid?

2. Do you have a middle name?
Yes, several.

3. Choose one moment in history that you would like to have personally witnessed...
When Ritchie Blackmore was jamming on the guitar during warmup and Andy Powell plugged in and started jamming with him.

4. 3 things you should never do...
Go drinking with your friends at 11AM and go back home at 5PM, drunk, to a furious girlfriend who you told you'd be back at 10AM.

5. Describe the most peaceful moment of your life...
Sitting with my best friend on a jetty in summer, in norway at midnight, watching the sun circle around us with a lovely glow, just listening to the waves hitting against wood and talking about life.

6. How would you describe "The American Dream"? Does it really exist? Did it exist in the past? Has it changed?
I take Marx and Gramsci's view that the "American Dream" as it is now was created by the capitalist post WW2 government of America, in order to establish a dominant, pro-american hegemony in troubled times. Since then it has been challenged, and reinforced in various forms of media up till modern times. Now it's only really believed by dimwitted conservaties, while the liberals who dismiss it have such a skewed view on life that they're not right either.
Originally Posted by sleepy jack
Originally Posted by antonio
classical music isn't exactly religious, you know?
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