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Old 05-12-2009, 01:54 PM   #448 (permalink)
midnight rain
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Join Date: Mar 2009
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Originally Posted by crash_override View Post
You being all up on Kobe's dick all the time is pathetic. He's the most overrated player in the NBA. Don't you wonder why he didn't get the MVP or never does?
He got the MVP last year, you don't even have a hell of an idea what you're talking about clearly if you didn't know that. Stop talking, you're embarrassing the smart Cavs fans on this forum.
Because all they want to see is points scored, they don't care about team play or shooting percentage. He will shoot 15% from the field and keep shooting it all night because that's what LA fans "want to see".
Don't make generalizations, unless you don't mind being construed as an idiot.
Whatever, pass the damn ball Kobe, you're not even the best player on your team, deal with it or end up like Iverson. Don't drive Gasol away like you did Shaq.
Bryant passes the ball\. As much as you stay in the year 2005, shockingly enough the league has moved on and so has Kobe. He now has reliable teammates to back him up.

I get it. He's an amazing player on a team that you don't like and you can't handle it so you find stupid little things to pick away at from him.

You think he's overrated? Fine, done, okay, clear.

The other 99% of the league thinks he's an amazing player and that's why he has acquired the legendary status he has. You can bitch and moan about how much he sucks all you want, but he isn't going away anytime soon.

Put your Kleenex away and face the game as a man for a change. All I here in this thread is boo hoo, overrated this dirty that. You guys are a bunch of pansies, tied to the referees shirttail. Basketball sucks when the officiating is too strict, I don't know why you'd want it that way.

Another thing, stop \blaming it on the officiating. Your a piss poor sport if you can't handle a team you don't like winning, and frankly I'm tired of your whining.

He can't carry the team, never has been able to and never will. He's the epitome of a bad sportsman, and I'll be damned if my kid grows up looking up to that assbag.
Quit sniveling, I couldn't care less if you think he's a bad sportsman.

How about a productive post from you for a change?

Almost as much as you enjoy using "big words" to appear smart.
Don't let the big words slow you down.

Yes, thank you for pointing that out. LeBron FTW... Literally.
We'll see

Originally Posted by Norg View Post
people its playoff basketball its going to get physical

so if the rockets/lakers get in a tussle today plzz lets not make a big deal about it
Finally, a non-complainer. Kudos to you, the physicality of the series is what's made it such a great one. Ditto the Celtics-Bulls series (shockingly enough, I didn't hear too much complaining about that series, figures since the Lakers were'nt involved)

Back on topic...

Two great games tonight, I'm hoping for wins by the Magic and Lakers. How about that Dallas game the other night? While it would be cool if they came back, I'm not holding my breath :/

Last edited by midnight rain; 05-12-2009 at 02:43 PM.
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