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Old 05-13-2009, 02:01 AM   #80 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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I don't see how there can be a contest .. If there's anything I've heard that approaches the perfect prog album, it's Close to the Edge.

It starts with the "birth" of the title track which is a bit random and if it's your first time, you're not into prog or you're simply not patient, the album starts with the least accessible bits first. It goes on for 3 minutes or so and that might put some people off. In my own review, I suggested people new to prog/Yes try out the track "And You And I" first simply because like the other two, it's awesome, but I think it's the most accessible. Title track is my favourite though.

Fragile is good and so is the Yes album, don't get me wrong .. but they don't blow me away like Close to the Edge. If there's a problem with Close to the Edge, it's that I've heard it too many times.
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