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Old 05-14-2009, 02:47 PM   #71 (permalink)
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Well its a mixed bag. With certain points, I agree completly; Sean Penn is an absolute douche, Michael Moore, who's been relegated to silence as of late is less so, but he intentionally misleads which might be worse.

The Left crowd also has an alarming degree of racism, that it generally gets away with because they tend to be more supportive policy-wise of minorities. But I find the most arrogant and elitist to be the least intelligent.

Where I'd disagree is how arrogant the Comedy Central crowd is. They use humor, but very few get away with much on their show, regardless of position in the political spectrum.

When I think arrogant humor, I tend to lean toward Bill Mahr.

But arrogance aside, the issue that tends to bother me on these boards, and the one I think that we will come to a head on, is the slant of the media, speciafically the three big ones.

If you want my opinion, this is how I look at it.

MSNBC is the liberal network, Ed Schwartz and Keith Olberman being left in a strong direction. Rachel Maddow, who I think is the standard on how interviews ought to be done, comes in left of Chris Matthews and to the right of the other two.

Keith and Ed are liberal in no matter what they do. The "Psycho Talk" and "Worst Persons in the World/Bushed" segments are testaments to that.

Maddow is left-leaning, but only in her selection of coverage. And these days its hard to hold it against her.

Matthews, who I make a point to watch every night is decidedly moderate. If you go on Youtube, you can find both sides calling for his resignation, he's been offensive in his commentary of both Hillary Clinton and Cheeney. He's tore into just about every guest on his show, and he regulaly features Pat Buchanon.

Their news coverage with Contesa Brewer is the People magazine of news, and I don't know what the **** they do on the weekends, but someone ought to be fired.

With Fox. The most honest folks on there are Shepard Smith, who's relegated to the news desk, and the Beltway Boys who at least pretend to get both sides. There are no moderates on Fox, and after the Tea Party stunt, they should be questioned as a news organization.

Heres where the Brawl comes in...

CNN to me, is Wolf Blitzer, and wolf alone. Lou Dobbs is horrible, he made up the whole act, and he tries to be as snarky as the other guys on other networks, but half his show is him tripping over words on his teleprompter and him trying to insert larger words than is needed.

CNN has been going down a path of panels and the blog/text information superhighway. They generally stay away from anything that lands them in hot water because their trying to be objective. They go out into the people and get what they can.

But Wolf and Cafferty (who is the "people" version of the situaiton room) are often lumped into together (harkening back to my original post) with news media who are't doing anything wrong.

There isn't anything wrong with covering Obama positivly. He's the president, its his first year, he's passed major legislation, he's working to reverse a major crisis, and for the first 6 years, the news media didn't say **** about Bush.

But everyone expects to have the media, who was bullied and beaten by Bush, attack Obama or be called Liberal. The man is a lefty, but he's not a socialist, and CNN doesn't have to question his every move to be "fair and balanced."
I've moved to a new address
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