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Thread: Ahhhhhhhh!!!
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Old 05-14-2009, 03:08 PM   #1 (permalink)
Trigger Happy Catalyst
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Join Date: May 2009
Location: Springfield, Mo.
Posts: 62
Angry Ahhhhhhhh!!!

Hello music junkeez.
My name is Paul Clemens "Poly" (Male,26) Just started here-my first community of this kind. I have a My Space cause it happened that way(after the band I was in at the time set one up)...then I got a vampire freaks account because my sister refused to get a my space... then while trying to talk music with the VF crowd, I remembered that I'm neither goth nor industrial. (close but no cigar) So I went looking for people I could relate to better and found you guys. Hope it all works out.

I like to debate things... with the lack of seeing my facial expression it may be easy to think that I'm just being a d*#k.Just like you.(know what I mean?)

I love music and have for as long as I can remember...Started with Green Day way back then the introduction of Metallica and Marilyn Manson changed my world. Now, as I have been for some time, I'm mostly into new metal. The Black Dahlia Murder is probably my favorite but with bands like The Human Abstract, Unearth, and really just anything hardcoreheavyprogressive, coming in at a close second. Although I'm still not sure if my definitions of those genre's of music are the standard... better catch up on my lingo...

Just started college after dropping out 10 years ago, it's not so bad! I am currently not in a band but I can play any instrument in the room, except for wind instruments(unless you count the harmonica for fun with my kids) Self taught and livin it up in Nowhere,Missouri.

See you on the inside...
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