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Old 05-21-2009, 12:16 AM   #11 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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I read the book Angels & Demons... I'm an avid reader of anything thriller, so obviously I enjoyed it... but under the circumstances of being stuck in a tent in the middle of the desert at the time, I'm suspicious of my motivation.
I also read Davinci Code. Saw the movie as well, but obviously, when you read a book, the movie never does it justice. And that doesn't have to be taken in a positive light... regardless of how good the book is or isn't, the movie will be worse.
(unless you have a completely incapable imagination and get nothing out of reading books)

Can't say that I knew anything about a theatrical film of Angels & Demons... thought it was some kind of high budget documentary of sorts. I'd seen the hypemercials, but didn't think of it as an actual movie.
Am I wrong here?
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