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Old 05-21-2009, 10:11 AM   #205 (permalink)
From Hank To Hendrix
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Originally Posted by Janszoon View Post
I agree that Jar of Flies is by far their best album. The first two tracks, "Rotten Apple" and "Nutshell", are my favorite songs by them. I really wish they had made more slow, downcast songs like these because they did it really well and Layne Staley had a great voice for it. Unfortunately they insisted on trying to rock out more often than not and I don't think they did that very well.
Definitely, I think their voices come to their peak on the MTV Unplugged album & studio speaking 'Jar of Flies'.
I dont think they were bad at doing the heavier stuff, just like you, it would have been good to have heard more acoustic based songs such as the ones from 'Jar Of Flies'.

I heard that 'Jar Of Flies' was not even originally intended for release.
They were just mucking about in a studio one day and it turned out the record company or whoever heard the songs & thought they were so good that they should be released.

I find it incredible that the best output comes from them when they are not even trying as opposed to them trying their hardest to make a great record.
This to me, shows the true natural talent that they both had.

Originally Posted by JayJamJah View Post
Watch what happens when we change just a three little words (by my doorstep)
Originally Posted by Mirrorball95Doppelganger
Yeah if I could get a big one, say from Neil Young or something, id stick it in. I'd just get sick.
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