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Old 05-31-2009, 01:24 AM   #1939 (permalink)
Fish in the percolator!
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Hobbit Land NZ
Posts: 2,870

1. What is "must see" TV for you?
I mainly watch Britcoms, but I do also like to watch a few currently airing serial dramas which have that 'must-see' appeal... Prison Break was great while it lasted (at least they knew when to quit) and I've always watched 24 since I was 13.

2. If you could domesticate any wild animal, what would it be and why?
I know it's a cliche answer, but definitely some sort of wild cat. But only if I was living in a suitable location... somewhere the cat could run around and freely maul other animals in the wild.

3. What is the worst decision you have ever made?
While I'm not going to pretend I have no regrets, I can't think of any flagrant decisions I've made. I do regret wasting a lot of time mucking around over the years, accomplishing little.

4. What school activities do you, or did you participate in?
School cricket team, French speaking competitions, lunchtime programming club, maths olympiads, choir (back in primary school).

And on the less official side of things, I used to sell coca-cola and sweets at school.

5. What 3 characterististics would your mother use to describe you?
Smart, lazy, independent

6. Do you have an unusual theory? (describe)
I have many theories about things. Most people find it weird that I can't trust that anything physical in the world exists as I perceive it. I've though about this a bit, but Descartes mused over this centuries ago anyway so it's not exactly my theory.
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