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Old 05-31-2009, 04:58 AM   #11 (permalink)
Freebase Dali
Partying on the inside
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Nice insights, Boo Boo.
You reminded me of several members I failed to mention that had a significant impact on my perception.
I will continue:


He feels like almost a father type figure to me. Not in age, but wisdom. He's reserved, but when he speaks, you KNOW his intention. It's clear and decisive. He's unpredictable in his responses but they're rarely unfounded. I can't imagine asking him for advice and not taking it seriously.


I feel connected to him via a military aspect, knowing that his perspective is intrinsically related to mine in that regard. We have different views, but I see the ultimate point in what he says as a result of the connection we share.
That same connection relates me to:

Bane Of Your Existence
I's the same as above, but with a different jingle. I often see both of these guys in the same sphere of linked understanding regarding aspects militarily influenced.
Both of them I pay attention to, both of them I respect.

I don't know much about him as I've never broached anything personal with him on a one-on-one basis. I know that he has an internet radio show, and I know that he is into progressive rock. I know that he also make me laugh in the shoutbox, but that's as deep as my perception penetrates. I often find myself wanting to talk to him, but I dont know how many connections we could make that would make it beneficial.

Lucifer Sam
I've made some comments that he's agreed with, some not. I've never really tackled his personality beyond a superficial validation. I can't really tax my mind to find an outstanding quality of his, but I suspect it's merely due to the fact that I haven't delved deep enough into it. He seems very intelligent, but perhaps he and I are on different pages.

Crash Override
Here's another military guy I can identify with. I never really got a feel for him but for some strange reason he reminds me of an NCO I really got along with when I was in the service. I looked up to this particular NCO because of his wit and humor, and we never clashed in a major way. I assume that somewhere down the line when me and Crash exchange meaningful text, it will have been based on issues we both understand.
I look forward to that exchange.


I've had several run-ins with this guy in the past. He seemed to have been more of a force than he is now. I don't hear from him much lately.
I appreciated his insights regarding DubStep, but I find myself forgetting them lately as he's not been there fortifying his position. I'm also slightly uncomfortable with how easy it is to forget his opinions. I'm not sure if that's a reflection on myself, or him. I vote for the former.

Sweet Nothing
No matter how intense his inability to understand the feminine quality of his user-name, I find his response to that perception to be intensely hilarious.
When he posts, that's all I think about.

That's all I got for now.
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