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Thread: Hate Crimes
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Old 06-02-2009, 04:05 PM   #212 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by The Unfan View Post
I find that this is largely a social difference between America and other countries. You can usually tell an American on the internet by how much he prides his right to be a vitriol spitting assbag. I know I view it as a wonderful thing.

The line in free speech is drawn where measurable harm is done. If it creates a financial loss its illegal. That's how it should be. Stop being a bunch of pussies and accept that some people are hateful and have just as much right to expressing their ideas as you do.
.....there's has never been total freedom of speech.If you guys weren't "a bunch of pussies" like us then why do you guys have frivolous "libel" suits just like us. Why was there mcarthyism and the PMRC? Why does the fcc threaten to revoke broadcasting licences for using dirty language? Why do you have local communities banning certain books. Why can't you show full frontal nudity(even in a non-sexual way) in prime time when most western european regularly do.

Hate speech is equivalant to libel, sometimes it's warranted and sometimes it's just for bleeding hearts. I wouldn't be able to send out a pamphlets saying "I'm going rape your mother", and I think that's akin to the damage caused by a lot of "hate speech".

...anyways you can argue that "hate speech" is an infringment on free speech, but don't argue that americans have any more liberty to express there opinions when that's a complete falsehood.
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