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Old 06-09-2009, 01:40 AM   #11 (permalink)
Antonio's Avatar
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i'm bored, so i'll do another

1. I hate getting my hair cut; i only get it when forced

2. since i started college, i've been going to bed on average at 3 in the morning

3. Although i love architecture and design, it wasn't my first choice for a major. i originally wanted to go to school for music, but my parents weren't gonna have it, so i had to have another choice

4. I've never held a real job

5. i got a 1050 on my SATs(out of 2400), without so much as studying or cracking open a book. it was mostly the reason i got into college

6. I have very few pictures of myself, i just don't really care to get photographed

7. i laugh ALOT, even at things that aren't supposed to be funny

8. I'm not a fan of organized sports

9. i weigh 260 lbs, last time i checked. and i'm ok with being fat

10. my middle name is DeJesus, Spanish for "from Jesus"

11. in my opinion, American Idiot is a great album, and Green Day just got better with age

11. while i love both my parents, i like my mom more than my dad

12. i've been out of the country, but i've never been outside of the East Coast

13. i'm not a pet person, i don't even care much for companions. i like my alone time

14. In all honesty, i go more for a catchy melody and imaginative songs than musical technicality

15. i ripped my pants once when i sank into a couch at my friend's house. i was so glad his parents gave me a ride home and i didn't have to take a bus

16. i'm a pretty touchy feely person. i love giving/getting hugs

17. i love to move and dance to my music, i can't imagine standing still to my favorite song

18. most of the video games i own are used, somewhat unknown games that i hardly ever finish on systems that went out of style years ago.

19. even so, i'm kind of a Nintendo Fanboy

20. I don't really associate myself to a religion, if anything, i'm probably Agnostic

21. i have 5 scars on my left arm, mostly from falls and cuts. my right arm, however, has no marks at all

22. i'm starting to think i'm a little self centered making a second one of these

23. but i don't care

24. in my opinion, true strength is being able to stand up for something you believe in

25. i'm surprised i though of so much
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Originally Posted by mr dave
isn't this one of the main reasons for this entire site?

what's next? a thread made specifically to banter about music?
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