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Old 06-09-2009, 09:43 AM   #71 (permalink)
Music Addict
Join Date: Mar 2009
Posts: 965

Originally Posted by jackhammer View Post
OK. This fucker had taken me nearly half an hour to clean up which has seriously impinged on quality drinking time. So on topic and less spam you bunch of bastards.

EDIT: It's 10.30 PM here and the above wasn't aimed at Veridical either. He did ask me nicely!
Guilty. My apologies.

Oh, hell. I'm going for it.

In no specific order:

Blue: Upon meeting this guy, I thought he was overly-sensitive and too wordy. He hasn't been around much, but after a few good PM exchanges, I've grown to miss him. Though I'm unsure of how our musical tastes will collide, he's one of the first I got to know on here. I think he's a lot of time misunderstood and dislike because he stands be what he believes, but that's what I dig about him the most.

Pobodys_Nerfect: I love his taste in music, and not so much because we've much in common (musically), but more so because of how ecstatic he is about the music he loves. He is unique in not only musical taste but personality as well. One of my favorite posters.

Kevorkian Logic: Our taste in music are very similar and we live only a few hours away from each other. For this, I believe she'll be the first, in not only MB member I'll meet. I enjoy her pictures almost as much as I look forward to her intelligent and witty posts.

toretorden: He's one of the few members and the only moderator that makes me feel uneasy. Not that I dislike him, but a debate we had (I believe it was in the Legalization of Marijuana thread) left a sour taste in my mouth. At first, I thought it was because we disagreed with each other, but now I'm just not sure. I still keep my mind open with him and try not to let my negative feelings impact any potential posts we may exchange.

TheBig3KilledMyRainDog: I enjoy most of what this member has to say and love that he can be a **** sometimes. I'm not too familiar with his taste in music, nor have I exchange many posts with him. On that note, to be continued.

Molecules: We briefly brushed by each other with intros last month, but haven't spoke to each other very much since. Perhaps I've missed the Ween thread, but he's the only member I know of who likes them, too. I look forward to more contact with this guy.

Patton: I dug her a lot at first for her appreciation for Mike Patton. Since then, I've been kind of annoyed by it. I think she knows this, though. I still look out for her posts from time to time.

sleepyjack: So, I watched this fellow for awhile before I dare quoted him. He came off as feisty to me, but I've learned to pick up on his wicked sense of humor and I love it. Though I sense he loves to debate and know that most people dislike him for this, I fuckin' dig it.

Roygbiv: Another warm welcomer. He and I seemed to hit it off pretty well right off the bat and I enjoy his posts very much - especially the Colour-Coded Album Reviews, but it's possible that the pretty colors keep me distracted for quite a long time. I always look forward to what he has to say musically.

Savannah: I'm not too familiar with her musical interests and that bothers me quite a bit because this is a music forum. Her wit and humor ALMOST makes up for her lack of contribution to the music threads. All jokes aside, she's the first chick on here that wasn't bitchy to me just because I have a vagina, too and I love that. For those of you who think that doesn't happen amongst the few girls on this site, it's probably because you have a dick.

Urban Hatemonger: His sense of humor never ceases to surprise me. He's truly one-a-kind. I feel like I rarely bump into him on the boards, but when I do, we seem to create great comedy. Now, if I could just get a sense of what type of music he's into ...

lucifer_sam: Ha, yet another member I steered clear of for awhile. Mainly because his sarcasm is barely detectable most of the time. His fondness of Tom Waits was what did it for me, though.

Veridical Fiction: God, what a scumbag. I kid, of course. This guy underestimates himself a lot, I feel. Not only does he offer good advice, but he's into some pretty decent music, too. Because we joined around the same time, I kind of feel like he's my partner in crime around here. From the Sexual Experience thread to infamous MB chat room, I've concluded that that he can be one bad MF; however, I will most like never tell him that directly because he will just start posting more feminine pictures.

ja-ha: Oh how he loves his beard and close-ups. He's eclectic taste in music was one of the things that initially kept me around here. Though I get sick of seeing his furry face plastered on the MB walls at times, I love reading his posts - especially when he gets all moddy (yeah, I said it) on us.

right-track: He's super nice, so that leads me to believe he's hiding something from us ... Like an unconscious body in his basement.

Antonio: Our taste in music is pretty identical. Aside from that, I really like that he is determined and warm in welcoming all the new members.

Janzsoon: All initial fuckups and Vietnamese slaves aside, this guy is a great addition to the mods and really enjoy talking to him.

dreadnaught: I've not talked to her much, nor do I know much about her. What I DO know is that I'm all her's. Actually, I'm a little familiar with how young she is AND her diverse taste in music and she gives me hope for people her age.

nonsubmissivewife: Another female that welcomed me with open arms (and a whip) to the site. I don't know whether I should be jealous or appreciative of her vast knowledge of music.

Surrel: Another young one that is way ahead of his time. His hate for kids with cancers and hippies makes me suspicious, though. Perhaps he prefers cancerous hippies?

Phew, that is all for now. Because I feel totally judgmental and bitchy now for all that I've just written, I think it's only appropriate to add this:

333: She can be a little too confident for her own good. Far too often, she believes that no one feels like she does and forgets the beauty of simplicity. The internet makes it far too easy for the ill-tempered little girl in her to not surface. Lastly, aside from the strange sense of humor, she can be quite the pervert as well.

Wayfarer: I get the feeling he comes off as a ****head to a some on this site because he most certainly came off that way to me when I first read his posts. More recently, I've exchanged words with him on MSN and PMs and I think he's another member that's just chock full of sarcasm (did I really just say that?). He's the only other person on here I know of who respects Bill Hicks and that's pretty righteous on it's own.

wolverinewolfweiselpigeon: I'm somewhat familiar with her musical interests, but I'm not quite sure if we have anything in common in that area.

ProggyMan: I've always liked this poster. He's young, but knows his ****. We haven't really talked too much though. Judging by his name, I think we may have a few things in common musically.

cardboard adolescent: Another member I've barely talked to, but have liked from the get-go. I always look forward to his posts, but there have been times when I've thought he was being kind of a ****, but honestly, what good poster isn't a feisty sometimes? He stepped down from being a mod within days of me joining MB and that's a damn shame.

RezZ: Great poster, but MIA lately.

SATCHMO: I probably can't say anything about how I feel about him that he doesn't already know. We've one of the most open, honest relationships between two people I've had in a long while. Musically, we've many things in common, but most of all, I turn to him for new tunes. Mikey is a great friend and I wish he'd post more in the music thread!

boo boo: I was told by someone to beware of him, but I find him to be very kind and likable. Plus, he's got one snazzy suit.
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