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Old 06-09-2009, 03:33 PM   #73 (permalink)
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K I'll do a few.

I don't really know him, but he seems allright.

Urban Hatemonger
One of my favourite members and one of the very few that can actually make me LOL (and usually does).

Jack Hammer
We don't seem to interact as much anymore, for some reason, but I do remember once talking to him through private messages and he sent me a link to a site that pretty well single-handedly got me into reggae/dub. As far as the whole music section goes, he's one of the more...useful members on the forum. I hate to use the word "useful" but there you go.

Sleepy Jack
I'm pretty sure he knows he's one of my favourite posters. And I don't mean poster on MB, I mean I actually got him to send me a picture once so I could print it off and get it blown up to billboard size for my bedroom wall.

I find that the less I post in the "serious", political forum, the more I like him. Whatever the reason, I've been posting less in the "serious", political forum, so lately I'm liking him more. Seems like a few people consider us both to be arseholes, so that might have something to do with it. Y'know, a classic case of putting two arseholes together and ending up with little but shit.

Similar to right-track: I don't know him very well, but I can't recall him ever saying anything that...erm...irritated me, or anything like that.

Seems like a smart guy to me, tough to debate with, from what I can remember; part of the reason I, these days, simply read his posts and fend of the feeling of having to reply.

Boo Boo
boo boo is underrated. Fuck the haters. Not really though, I like most of them too.

A girl that can actually make you laugh is harder to come by than you'd think, these days. Has a very "genuine" quality about her... y'know, the type of person most try to surround themselves with but only a few get so lucky. Is apparently very good-looking, but I've yet to see a photo of her. Seems very cool anyway, I like her.

Could give her about the same description I gave dreadnaught. One of the few MBers I've spoken to outside of the forum, though I've not seen her online since. C'mon, I'm not that bad with first impressions, am I?

For some reason, I've found I often get along far better with women than I do with men, and these days the only types of guys I can honestly say I enjoy hanging around with are the really laid-back, chilled out ones that tend to be completely content spending a Friday night with a joint or a beer and a good album. Seltzer always seemed like one of those, to me, so I like him. The type of guy I could imagine myself being friends with in "real life".

Another one of my favourite members. I hardly know him at all, but I always thought it so fitting that he had a Residents avatar because his posts remind me of them, in a way. Often proves that utter randomness can still be funny.

Veridical Fiction
Is he new? I'm pretty sure, but it feels like he's been here awhile. Either way, he fits in very well (while still contributing and standing out), seems pretty funny and, like myself, finds great merriment in some of the forum's more ironic posts. I like him.

He's one of those people that you like but you're not sure why - as in, if someone were to write a description of their personality out for you on a piece of paper, you'd imagine yourself to dislike them... but for some reason, you don't at all. I guess some just have it in them to make normally awful traits endearing, kind of like how some of the noisier bands out there make normally awful sounds endearing. Let's say that Comus is a real Mars Volta of a person.

I'd write about that one but I spent far too much time on this post to risk it being deleted. I will say that perhaps I've only misunderstood her. Everyone else seems to like her.

Another cool guy. How old is he? For some reason, he gives off the impression of being a younger teen that acts far more mature than most that age do.

People used to rip on him like hell and I was genuinely surprised he didn't just leave the forum, but as it turns out, it's a good thing he didn't. Everyone seems to think he's allright now and that'd include myself.

I've only interacted with her through a couple of private messages, but during our regrettably short exchange, she did come off as one of the movingly nicest people I've spoken to in some time.

cardboard adolescent
Probably has my favourite username of anybody on the forum, and has always been one of my favourite posters. Kind of like toretorden in that he writes posts that I love to read but hate to attempt to respond to.

I wonder if he's into Kyuss at all, because of all the people on here, I'd say the psychedelic, desertlike atmosphere of Kyuss' music reminds me most of him. Like Seltzer, he's someone I could easily imagine myself being friends with in "real life".
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