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Old 06-10-2009, 08:00 PM   #257 (permalink)
Cardboard Box Realtor
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Originally Posted by wolverinewolfweiselpigeon View Post
Round Dos.

1. The other day I was in one of my "I miss Wyoming" moods, so I downloaded MOUNDS of horrible country music that reminded me of home. I felt so guilty afterwards that I spent and hour and a half going through my itunes to delete it all.
2. When I was in middle school my art teacher told me that when you look into someones eyes, if their pupils dialate it means they have a crush on you. I then spent the next three years refusing to look anyone directly in the eyes.
3. I'm most creative in the middle of the night.
4. I don't know my blood type.
5. I hate seeing food products in bulk. Costco is my worst nightmare.
6. I once smoked a joint with a page from a hotel room bible as rolling paper.
7. I spy on my hot neighbor through the peephole in my door.
8. I feel bad for what I wrote about Surell in the Spill Your Guts thread.
9. I didn't get my mom anything for Mother's Day. But I sent my ex-stepmom a card. I am a horrible person.
10. I have a giant poster of Einstein in my bedroom.
11. Right next to the one of Johnny Depp.
12. I have an oral fixation, but not in the fun way.
13. I sometimes get the urge to bite things. For example, I'll be driving down the road and suddenly clamp my teeth down on my seatbelt.
14. There is a beeping coming from my neighbors house that has been going on for about five hours.
15. Once I had sex in the back of my grandma's minivan.
16. Last night I was going through the contacts in my phone and there was someone named Tyler S in there, and I had no idea who it was. I used to end up with random peoples number's in my phone after a night of partying, but that hasn't happened in a long time. I sent out texts to several of my friends asking if they knew a Tyler S. I then realized that it was MY FRIEND Tyler S whom I've known for 13 YEARS. I was talking to him TWO DAYS AGO.
17. I think that parts of me are made retarded.
18. I am on this site far too often.
19. My friends say I am very diplomatic.
20. I think my OCD prevents me from fully enjoying weed.
21. I wish I had an older brother.
22. When Pobody's Nerfect posted the picture of those kittens in Janzoon's Manly Man thread and made the joke about hormonal girls crying at them... My eyes filled with tears.
23. My sister once told me that I would make a good President of the US. I love naive children.
24. I've been trying to work up the guts to dye my hair some shade of red.
25. I keep an open notebook next to my bed so when I'm lying in bed at night and a poetic/random/intriguing thought runs through my hed I can write it down for future use.

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