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Old 06-10-2009, 08:44 PM   #260 (permalink)
Quiet Man in the Corner
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Pocono Mountains
Posts: 2,480

1) I am intensely fascinated by ghosts
2) I've liked the same girl for 5 years
3) The rhotacism and lisp that kept me from being social for the last 6 or 7 years was all in my head
4) I enjoy smelling colognes.. then looking up the notes on Basenotes
5) I've been fascinated by blood, gore and halloween since I was around 4
6) I thoroughly enjoy most black metal.. yet most of it is for the imagery
7) I am the most middle minded person I know.. I can listen to a debate and agree with both parties
8) I wish more people would listen to trance music.. yet part of why I like it is that's it not very popular (at least here in the US)
9) The burn mark on my arm that I got from an iron supposedly was my own fault. I'm told I hit it off the counter.. but my dad was an alcoholic with a short temper. I wonder sometimes
10) I wish people would admit that they really do care about what other people think
11) I find it hard to be happy when I'm alone yet feel awkward in social situations
12) I think I may exercise too much
13) I lie to a lot of people when they ask my opinion on things
14) I will be one of the most influential musicians of the 21st century
15) I seem to befriend people who have far too much confidence for their own good
16) My own memory scares me
17) I think I'm a mix of realist, pessimist, functionalist and optimist.. it all depends on the situation
18) I see no reason to drink
19) I want to start a gang that beats people who beat women
20) I sound fancy on the computer at times when I can pick out the right words.. but in person my mind moves too fast and I hardly ever use them
21) I think too much
22) I do think that some men try way too hard to be manly.. but wearing pink is something I'll never do. It's just an ugly color
23) I would like the Nightmare Before Christmas so much more if no one else did.. because I'm so alternative
24) I got called *** a lot in high school because of my "fashion". Since I live in a tiny town wearing a dress shirt means you're a queer. The only reason I did was because I was insecure about my weight
25) I sometimes feel left out due to not being in one certain clique
Your eyes were never yet let in to see the majesty and riches of the mind, but dwell in darkness; for your God is blind.

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