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Old 06-12-2009, 02:58 AM   #138 (permalink)
Palm Muted
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Join Date: Jun 2009
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 168

I'd say I'm a pretty serious metalhead and I have pretty open music taste (I like Kid A, for example). But if you think you have complaints about metalheads being douchebags, it's way worse if you're one too. I like hanging out with people with similar music taste but it absolutely sucks spending time with most other metalheads. The worst ones are constantly obsessed with whether something is "metal" or not, like whether growing long hair is metal or eating chicken primavera is metal, ignoring the fact that they still like Slipknot despite worshipping Dimebag. What you said about the "Led Zeppelin isn't metal" thing is spot on, which is terrible because these kids have no respect for the forefathers of the genre and don't understand that without bands like Zep and Black Sabbath, "their" music wouldn't exist. Musicians understand this, talentless hacks don't. And I will be the first to say that Dimebag is overrated. Pantera was a decent band with several really good songs but there was nothing particularly deep or creative about the songwriting. He had skill of course but the martyr status he's gained has now become the justification for idiots being proud that they like "real metal" because venerating him somehow gives them legitimacy. I call BS. A great example of this idiocy is the fact that Chuck Schuldiner, a far better and more creative musician, died of pneumonia after the metal community held fundraisers to pay for his cancer treatments, and 9/10 people at a Lamb of God show have no idea who he was - or even worse, think that Scream Bloody Gore was the greatest album he ever wrote. Metal also stands as a cathartic release for worthless *******s who have nothing of value in their lives, which is sort of like saying that Gulden Draak is a great brew to drown your sorrows in. I'd defend the maybe 15-30% of metalheads that are actually both intelligent and socially capable, but I understand that the main purpose of this thread is hilarious ridicule and mod-sanctioned trolling, which I totally endorse.

Nobody has complained enough about hardcore kids yet either. We don't have many/any straight edgers in the local scene as far as I know, but of the -core kids I know, they are some of the most hypocritical people I know.
-Say music is their lives but listen to terrible music
-Constantly make threats but don't have the guts to follow through
-Mosh violently but only when everyone is smaller than they are
-Vaunt their br00tality but quote pathetic "romantic" lyrics to their equally vacuous girlfriends
-Attempt to give off a sense of masculinity but spend more money on clothing than the average woman, 60% of said money going toward designer Nikes
-Act like there are huge differences between one metalcore band and another when the vast majority of songs basically consist of mixed and matched segments: Breakdown #42 followed by Verse #9 and then two refrains of Chorus #77

Honestly I wish it was socially acceptable to spine punch people to settle personal conflicts. If I had my way there would be six kids in my town with broken noses and hopefully a serious blow to their egos.
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