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Old 06-16-2009, 12:46 AM   #146 (permalink)
Son of JayJamJah
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Originally Posted by Hesher View Post
Science has evolved since you were a child, obviously. As I said, the fetus is of course a living organism. But there is a difference between an organism with life and a human being - otherwise, using antibacterial soap would be genocide. The medical/scientific community is exactly as confident as I assert, as much as the fetus being viable by the 20th week. This isn't something that is cast in doubt. Ask a doctor, please.

I'm not missing the point at all, and my argument both utterly logical and anything but semantic. Every sperm being produced in your body, if mated with an egg, will eventually become part of a human being, just as a fetus, if carried to the 20th week, will become part of a human being. But it is not a human being until the 20th week. That is the fact.

We are arguing that the potential to be a human is the same as being a human, which, if true, would mean that the human body aborts millions of "human babies" every time it reabsorbs sperm or flushes out an egg with a through menstruation. A fetus is farther along in development than those things, but it is not a human yet. It has the potential to be a human. Those are not the same, no matter how much you think the potential to have a million dollars is the same as having a million dollars. If that were true we'd all be millionaires because we have the potential to be millionaires (illustrating how your metaphor is further flawed).
Holy Shit.

We are not arguing and it's not what I think.

I am TELLING you how other people with opinions DIFFERENT then you see it.

I don't find any flaw with your arguments, they are as you say logical and to my knowledge (very little) accurate, your error comes in assuming they in anyway devalue the oppositions stance. My shoebox analogy is just that it's not meant to be taken literally.

When a woman has a miscarriage three weeks into pregnancy should she not feel sad because it simply had the potential to be a human being?

Listen, I understand and respect your argument, I happen to come out on your side (por-choice) as it were but for completely different reasons. I don't think it's any of my business to tell other people what to think.
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Originally Posted by cardboard adolescent View Post
i prefer foreplay. the orgasm is overrated.
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