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Old 06-23-2009, 06:42 PM   #831 (permalink)
Inuzuka Skysword
Existential Egoist
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Posts: 1,468

Platonically, preferably. However you are capable, I suppose. To say unconditionally is redundant. Love him as you love yourself, or love him as you hate him. If I have to define what 'type' of love, I guess I'm thinking of a feeling closely related to empathy that involves identifying with someone for their flaws, in the sense that knowing the dark side of what it is to be human helps us overcome ourselves and keeps us modest.

Love him as you love the younger versions of yourself, even if you see them as immature and see yourself as having overcome them.
This is what I don't understand though. If you love everyone that way then can it really be called "love." I agree with your idea on a fundamental level, and I may be just picky about this, but the term "love" is not how I would describe such a thing. I guess we wold have to look at what it means to "love" in any way and generalize it into a sort of definition that encompasses all types of "love." The way I see it, to love something means to like something more than something else. If you love all humans, there are no humans which you cannot like. I cannot honestly say I know how the brain works, so I will just put this out there. Do we not have a measurement system in our mind which operates between the most minimum form of love that can be offered and the maximum?

What I want to know is what you would say about self-defense. If one loves others the same as himself then what justifies self-defense?

of course they're not, they're too busy cashing in on the new wave of pseudo-intellectual atheism to actually be pissed off. but if you're implying that atheists all just sit around and muse about how clever they are, i can guarantee that there have been millions of people with a "nothing is true, everything is permitted" attitude that have committed countless atrocities that haunt us today. the real difference is the religious commit atrocities for some half-thought out semi-coherent reason, whereas the areligious commit atrocities just for the hell of it.
If there was a rep system on this forum I would give you green for that post. I totally agree with it. However, I disagree with this:

Still, I think everyone believes in God on a deep enough level, I don't think things could make sense otherwise.
Does one necessarily need to make sense of things such as the origin of creation? One can simply deny the question any merit, could they not? One could basically say that even if there was a god, "How am I to live in order to live in the best way?" Does god really help in answering that question?
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