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Old 07-02-2009, 12:54 PM   #2530 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Megadead2 View Post
I also don't believe that sounding "teenaged" or "adolescent" is something to be admired. Rock's whole mythology of refusing to grow up is an ugly one. I look for maturity in music. I do enjoy some "childlike" music as well (twee pop, indie pop etc.) because it recaptures a feeling of innocence and simplicity in life, but adolescent music (which includes most trad punk as well as later bands like Dinosaur Jr.) lacks both that simplicity and innocence, and the control and discipline of more mature music. In some cases, adolescent music can work because it captures a very visceral, raw, intense feeling, which is why I can enjoy some of it despite my misgivings (examples I have given include the Troggs and Rites of Spring) but the Sex Pistols were actually no where near as visceral as they are made out to be.
the sex pistols and other old school punk outfits were not adolescent, you are misunderstanding me. their music was VERY simple and COULD be rocked out to by bunch of teenagers in a garage yadah yadah yadah but what they lacked in talent, they made up for in passion and message. i don't hear you getting on folk for being traditionally very simple music. and that is, more or less, what i see punk as being a rock version of. a very anti-political and scathing view on societal norms through the eyes of very passionate, often times angry music. and i mean real punk, none of this Green Day (too much message far to little good music, at least these days), Blink 182 watered down bull**** "punk" and maybe the sex pistols AREN't a great example of that, although i do really like Nevermind the Bollocks and it did have some very anarchical messages . but bands like the Dead Kennedys, Minor Threat, Black Flag, etc. really embodied the punk movement and ideals and were bands that owe a LOT to the sex pistols. punk even gave way to the post-punk movement, Sioxie and the Banshees, the Fall, Joy Division, Echo & the Bunnymen, the Cure, Depeche Mode, etc. were made possible in large part because of the progression of the punk movement that was really spearheaded by the Sex Pistols. Joy Division, for example, started out as Warsaw and made a damn good punk album before changing their sound a bit. but Joy Division only formed Warsaw because they saw a Sex Pistols show. they are very influential and in no way overrated.
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