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Old 07-06-2009, 10:27 PM   #248 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by savannah View Post
tonight i find myself looking forward to tomorrow's road trip with tori, krista, and maybe jake,....
there's this truck stop in madisonville called 'buckee's" and its supposed to be like the disney world of gas stations,...its two hours away,....and we've decided to make a day of it,....

the reason all this is funny is, tori have never left town outside of 'school trips', krista is from california and rejects anything rural or texan (except me) and jake always has pot
That honestly does sound like a lot of fun to me. Great way to spend a day.

Tonight I find myself home after celebrating a friends birthday for a bit. I spoke to a couple female friends of mine and, for more or less the first time, I really got to look at how women look at and analyze things. It was honestly really interesting. Even though I don't think like general "men," hell I don't even understand "men," I think they're fools, but I've never really looked at things from that perspective. They analyze and determine so many little things that I just view as inconsequential, or things that I would just do rather then think about a lot first, then do. They also talked about how they really read into things, I guess particularly pertaining to men, and what they may say, or how they may act, ect. I've always been one to just act or react, and just roll with it; go with how I feel. Not that I don't analyze and think, I do a lot, but I suppose about different things from different perspectives. It was definitely interesting to shed some light on how a woman might approach things.

Now I plan on smoking a wee bit of hash, listening to some Fleetwood Mac, playing some guitar, and possibly writing a bit before I go to bed.
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