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Old 07-17-2009, 11:58 AM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Goodgirl81 View Post
Totally agree... and I've read that this book was revised by courtney before it went out.... it was written to make her look completely innocent in this...
And Scar Jo sucks... I dont think she can do Courtney justice.
Actually she didn't revise the book, the only reason the movie is being made is because Courtney just acquired the legal rights to the book and took it to some studios and I'm pretty sure Paramount accepted.

Scratch that, I just read:
Heavier Than Heaven: A Biography of Kurt Cobain
By Charles R. Cross
Hardcover - 400 pages
Published August 2001
ISBN: 0786865059

The mainstream press has praised it to high heaven as the Cobain book to buy. However, there are some major issues here. It was a collaboration between Courtney Love and Charles Cross, which is a red flag off the bat. Love is blatantly trying to change history in it, and paint herself and her late husband in a totally different light. Some of it is based on diaries Kurt left behind. Diaries that could have been easily manipulated at some point or another. It's no secret that Kurt was prepared to divorce Courtney before he died. She admits it herself in taped conversations with Tom Grant in 1994 and 1995. People around them have also spoken out about the turmoil between the two at the time. Yet this book wants us to believe that they had a great marriage. Remaining Nirvana members are also accusing Courtney Love of changing history and pasting herself into things so they benefit her. Clearly a slap in the face to them, as well as Kurt's memory. Cross also likes to take speculation and present them the same way as he does facts. He writes of Kurt's last morning like he was actually there. Heavier Than Heaven has some major flaws, so read this book with caution. A lot of conflicting stories and outright lies are spotlighted in a great article

Anyone interested in that article it can be found here:

Last edited by BTown; 07-17-2009 at 12:21 PM.
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