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Old 07-23-2009, 08:01 PM   #8 (permalink)
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Default Bruce Springsteen hate?

As an American, I've felt almost like it's been my "duty" to like, or at least listen to Bruce Springsteen on a regular basis. And by listen to Bruce Springsteen, I really mean listen to Born to Run, Born in the USA and whatever "Greatest Hits" I have of his, as well as pull a Rolling Stone and praise whatever album he's just come out with. I never really thought about this until a few months ago, when I considered how little impact his music had had on anybody outside of the States. It was then that I actually looked into his discography and discovered why he actually matter(ed).

That said, I think it's unfair how here on Music Banter I find significant dislike not for this man's music, but for who he is or who he has come to embody, that is, the "average workin' class American". I just don't really get it.

Thinking deeper, I wonder if perhaps it is a simple case of judgement by his well known songs and albums on a grand scale that has lead to this misinterpretation of what Springsteen is about. Is it really just that everybody here who dislike's the man so much has only heard "Born to Run", "Born in the USA", "Glory Days", etc.? If that's the case, know that there is a lot more to the man than just the hits.

I point to the album Nebraska, which features heartfelt and humbling songs, a stark contrast from the 80's synth infected trash that was "Born in the USA". Songs like the title track are about more than just "breaking free" and one's "home town". These songs work for everybody, not just the U.S.

When I've asked people in the past why they dislike the man so much, it's for this reason, or that they think he is simply a douche. Well, where does this second point come from? If it is that he's created obnoxious albums, like Born in the USA, I'd reply that while you can't completely discount those albums, one does have to take into account everything else that wasn't so obnoxious.

It's just a little hard to understand, all of it, so I'd like to talk here about why people dislike the idea of Bruce Springsteen, not why people dislike his music.

Last edited by Rickenbacker; 11-30-2009 at 02:25 PM.
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