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Old 07-31-2009, 03:43 PM   #45 (permalink)
Inuzuka Skysword
Existential Egoist
Join Date: Jan 2007
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Originally Posted by 333 View Post
Why shouldn't we? Well, more importantly why should we blindly believe that our race will go on forever? I think this is the exact type of superior thinking and beliefs that has got us trashing our planet to ruins. Many of other animals have gone extinct, why not us? Because of our "complex" way of living?
I don't have to answer your first question. You are asking me to prove a negative. You might as well ask me if I can prove why there is no god. The burden of proof is on you because you are saying that we should care. So then you would give your reasons. Asking me to prove why you shouldn't do something doesn't mean anything because if I can't prove, it still does not mean you should do it.

As for the second question, I don't blindly believe our race will go on forever. I don't believe it on faith. I believe it because I have a reason to. I believe it because I see the structures man has built (skyscrapers, computer systems, etc.) and realize that nothing alive on this earth has created anything like it. You could say that animals and bugs create their own shelters and such, but that is based on instinct. They did not choose to create it. They don't have reason. We had to teach ourselves the laws of physics before we built the empire state building.

One could view man's position as a disadvantage because he has to learn in order to do. You have times of luck, but those will only get you so far. Man isn't at a disadvantage though. With reason as is his guide he has infinite possibilities in this world. If it can be learned, man can do it. That is why I am not afraid of the future. If man can live by his reason in this world he will survive. If we choose to live by anything else we will die.

We are in a darker age currently. While one might look at the present time and say we are progressing, one should also look at previous ages. Greece was more successful than us. Renaissance Europe was more successful. They were times when men weren't ridiculed for believing that the world could be known, such as now. However, they had their own obstacles such as the church that ruled them.

I don't believe the human race will go bad because I myself am part of the human race. I have seen what I can do, and I realize that I am no more privileged than others when it comes to using reason to guide my actions. It comes down to the fact that I choose to act rationally, while others don't. If they have the same ability as I, I see no reason why humans can't control the universe.

I'm not trying to argue with you because I'm well-aware and highly support the fact that we all have our own opinions, but something about "If humanity dies after I die, then why should I care?" made me very, very sad.
First off, you should argue with me. Do you believe your opinion is right? If you do, then in effect my opinion will be wrong. I assume it contrasts yours. What is wrong with disagreeing with someone or saying they are wrong? Nothing will get done in this world if people just accept every idea that exists. If someone gets offended because you disagree with them then they are just being completely irrational.

Secondly, I believe that selfishness is a virtue. I don't mean to say that I don't feel anything for humanity. I mean to say that I can't feel anything for humanity when I am dead. So I can't care. My life is not a sacrifice to humanity. I don't believe anyone else's life is a sacrifice to mine either. So while I am existing, why should I sacrifice my thought for something that will ultimately have no benefit for me?

Perhaps it is because I can be too empathetic for my own good sometimes. If you think about it, though - if ever we diminished as a race, it will be our own fault.
That's why I don't think we will be destroyed. We control our existence.
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