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Old 08-08-2009, 02:54 AM   #876 (permalink)
Unknown Soldier
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Originally Posted by Jsung View Post
Im sure, but really, queen has at least 5 thousand songs and they all have an original sound. And its not just the drugs >_>
I suppose you could argue that their first 5 albums were fairly original simply due to the mixing of certain musical elements. Led Zeppelin style hard rock with plenty of riffing, along with a heavy doasage of glam rock, also at times their sound was very piano driven, again quite original for a group of their ilk. Also their was the inclusion of operatic overtones, along with their trademark multi-layered sound (Roy Thomas-Baker) They also added a certain amount of very British humour into their sound as well both lyrically and musically but this was only on certain songs, kind of like a British seaside rock sound. Add in Freddie Mercury`s powerful and emotional vocal delivery and you have the epic Queen sound. In fact what made them interesting at this time, was that both Brain May and Roger Taylor also sang as well.

After this though, came in the bland arena rock sound with choruses that everybody could wave their arms to and chant along with eg "We are the Champions" etc. Basically enough to put you off the group permantly.

By the 80`s the group were fairly devoid of ideas and even experimented with a 50`s rockerbilly to boost their flagging sound. Admittedly though, the group were still able to still produce successful but annoying pop singles that had you humming them for like weeks/months after hearing them. They had also become a complete self-Parody as well, especially with Freddie Mercury still running around or better said prancing around in his all-in-one-leotard, actually David Lee Roth was far more sexy to watch in his leotard at this time than Freddie was, David used to jump as opposed to prance.

5,000 original songs!!!!!!!! well nearer 5 albums worth really.

Last edited by Unknown Soldier; 08-08-2009 at 05:52 AM.
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