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Thread: Where I'm At...
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Old 08-13-2009, 01:35 PM   #14 (permalink)
Souls of Sound Sailors
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Join Date: Feb 2009
Location: Mojave
Posts: 759

When I came to MB:
When I came here I liked Tool and The Mars Volta. I already liked the more popular Floyd albums too, but who doesn't? I had started a list of people I wanted to eventually get into in rehab. At that point it was about 150 artists long. Looking back that list was 50% big names (Sonic Youth, Miles Davis, VU) and a bunch of TV On The Radio-like pop bands. I was at the mercy of my counselors, though, so I guess that was just their taste. So that's about when I hit MB.

The biggest thing MB contributed to was my list. It is now over 550 artists long. It's quite intimidating to be honest and is a little weak on hip-hop, indie, rap, reggae, and funk- but aside from those is pretty solid. The second thing I got from MB was my music library. I've always been into discographies, but some of them are insane. I have not yet imported all the Sun Ra into my MM but I think I own over 80 albums, and currently have 24 imported. 60 Miles Davis, 40 Frank Zappa (and 34 live ones too), 36 Brian Eno, 25 The Fall, etc, etc...

I feel like more of a collector sometimes. I just have these albums, and I spin one or two sometimes, but just passively. I like to spend real time with an album before I consider it something I like or not, and then whenever I do finally love an album, I spend more time with that album then with new ones. Because of this I feel like it's hard to give growers the time they deserve, and I also tend to gravitate toward bands with one or two albums rather then seventy.

I think despite that I've done my share of trying new stuff. Eventually I got to Jazz, been spinning Miles and Ra every now and then, but so far no go. Though I am starting to fall in love with The Shape Of Jazz To Come, I've had it for months and months now. I listened to do it the way I'm doing with Miles for a long, long time. One day I just shut off the lights and focused on only the music about 1:00am. I got interrupted half way through but I never felt the same way about that album again. It went from background music to some combination of new Orleans and that scene from dumbo, or that's maybe just what it felt like to me.

What I'm diggin' now:
So I guess I'll answer the question of what I'm diggin' now. Been listening to this Otis Redding album a lot, The Dictionary Of Soul. Otis's voice has this way of pressing up against this barrier over and over until it finally brakes through and blasts into space. A little 13th Floor Elevators (Easter Everywhere), The Arcade Fire's Funeral, some Arvo Part, strangely some Boards Of Canada... I think that was just where I went after DJ Shadows Endtroducing got old. Now and then I spin some Crime & The City Solution. I could go on and on really. Some of them have the potential to be all-time favorites, like The Bride Ship by C&TCS, or I've been saving Moss Side Story for over a month to listen to while camping... it's so delightfully creepy, but as I was saying- I have to spend a lot of time with an album before I fully get it. Anyway, MB, that's where I am on my music journey. Sorry for the rant to anyone who actually read this.

Last edited by Schizotypic; 08-13-2009 at 02:29 PM.
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