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Old 08-18-2009, 10:30 PM   #1659 (permalink)
Special K
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Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Vancouver, BC
Posts: 198

My first time trying salvia, I did the 10x extract, I was with two buddys sitting in my one buddy car. I smoked it, correctly, and within a couple seconds or so it hit me, it felt like I was sitting in a bucket of vanilla ice cream, and it felt like my body was being split in two by my buddys car, it felt like the door and window were piercing my body, looking on the one side I could see a mother pushing her little baby on a lawnmower through a dence forrest. Everything was glowing purple and everything was bleeding. Looking on the other side everything was under water and there was a dog strung up on a lamp post barking out of control. All of a sudden I came to again and for about 20 minute or so after it felt like there were a million little hands pulling the skin off my back, it was right ****ed up.
The second time I tried it, it was the 10x extract again and I was with the same two buddys except this time we were in my buddys house, we smoked it in his room, I was sitting in the corner of his room on his bed when I smoked it. Again, a couple seconds after smoking it it hit me, I was in a different world and my body felt like there was a 1000lbs laying on it, the pressure on my body was unbelivable and it felt like I was being sucked into the corner of my room through a tiny little hole in the wall, as I was being sucked in I looked back and saw the same mother and little baby that were in the forest in my first trip baking cookies in the kitchen, they were looking at me and waving as I was being sucked away with these evil grins on their faces, they were laughing unconrollably, at this point my body felt like it was being crushed to the point I felt like it was going to explode. Again, like the first time I snapped out of it in a flash and again for about 20 minutes after it felt like there were a million little hands pulling the skin off my back. The trips are extremely frightening in my opinion.
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