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Old 08-19-2009, 04:04 AM   #188 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Originally Posted by Lateralus View Post
I too believe that life is a highly probable event and that its evolution was a matter of cause and consequence. But, even before life developed here, where did the universe come from? If you believe in the Big Big Theory, that the universe has expanded from a primordial hot and dense initial condition at some finite time in the past, then where did that come from? Don't think I disagree with you, because I don't, but thinking about how and why the universe came about just really trips me out.
Maybe I'm just down to earth but these sort of questions don't really bother me. We're here on planet earth and out there are billions of galaxies with billions upon billions of other solar systems. It's rather ambitious to think we people living on earth right now will ever know how everything, even time, first came to be.

However, you get the same sort of problem if you believe in any deity. Most religions have some sort of creation story explaining how the world was made. What was before that? Was the deity ever created or were they always around? And so on.

I think my father actually believes the universe runs in circles. He believes that all matter will lump together in one big black hole and of course we learn that energy never disappears so that big, black hole contains all the energy in the world and somewhere down the line it will explode in a new big bang. I don't believe that myself because I question it's plausibility and frankly I prefer to believe in what we "know" (can be/has been proven by scientific methods) and everything we don't know makes me extremely sceptical, scientific ideas and religion alike .. Not knowing the answer to your question doesn't bother me. At least not much!
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