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Old 08-20-2009, 05:30 PM   #190 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by toretorden View Post
I hate it when people say "we're here by accident" - no we're not, the emergence of life on our planet was most likely a highly probable event and it's subsequent evolution is simply a matter of cause and consequence.
We're most certainly not here by accident, and the creation of life was not in the slightest a probable event. It's more the case that considering how many galaxies, within each how many solar systems and within each how many planets ... there's an unfathomably large amount of events happening at any one time. It was bound to happen somewhere, at some point. The fact we only have very limited sensory capabilities and general knowledge of what's going on (on the grand scheme of things) makes it very easy for people to decide some magic is happening, with men in clouds and big beards and lightning.
It's the same as if you tell six people to go out and bet on different horses in the same race. No matter how unlikely the odds are for a particular horse to win, somebody will be a winner. Do it enough times to enough people and as long as they don't know the other people placing the bets they'll be pretty convinced you're some kind of genius (Derren Brown - The System). It's the inestimable ability of humans to see random events that fall to or against their favour and decide something really special is happening because we all look on life with rose tinted glasses.

As for the question asked "well where did the matter come from to cause the Big Bang?" my very simple answer would be I don't really care because it doesn't affect me. There are scientists with IQs breaking the bank and years of research and training, building upon years of research and training from generations of scientists before them. Even they are barely getting to grips with proving the source of our existence but if that's what they want to spend their time doing I say great for them.
They keep finding new ways to test matter and get to the bottom of all this and a continuously divulging new evidence that effects some precise elements of the Big Bang theory. It's a living thing that develops day by day and improves as our knowledge and technology improves. I'm not even going to pretend I can keep on top of it. But that's where the evidence is, so when somebody asks the question of "do you believe in God? Where do we all come from?" I'm going to throw a stone in the direction of science and live happily in my apathetic ignorance.

Vita brevis,
Occasio praeceps
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