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Old 08-22-2009, 12:30 AM   #63 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Schredds View Post
I dont find every artist who has recieved awards for their music amazing, and I never once said I did, so no, that isnt my logic, but if an artist receives agrammy award even once theyre obviously doing something right.

And instead of picking apart the guitar which maybe isnt the most complex at times, which by the way doesnt make a song 'bad' or 'suck', why dont you focus on the skill of their drummer Danny Carey, which is second to none. Hey to each his own, you may not like Tool, but that doesnt mean they suck. You never said directly that they suck but thats the vibe Im getting, the way they do things is a style all their own, theyre not out theyre making typical songs like a million other bands are doing that have no imagination. Tool is Tool, they've obviously done something right or they would have faded a long time ago.
Green Day, Coldplay, Justin Timberlake, Lil Wayne, and Kanye West (for Graduation) are all exceptional, then?

Yeah yeah, Danny Carey is a good drummer. I never discredited him. I'm pointing out why I don't like Tool, why would I focus solely on a drummer who we all know is great?

I never said that complexity makes a song great. However, technicality is relative in metal, and Tool tries to accentuate on complexity, but they aren't as complex as people like to think - that's the point I'm making. Length is relative to monotony and repetition.

There was no point to even bringing up a negative vibe that you perceived, some people might take offense, or something, and it might lead to a battle of ad hominems.

Tool isn't very imaginative or cinematic or creative at all. Yeah, they make tons of revolutionary statements, like "Christianity is bad." Plus, they sound like a more commercially acceptable version of Isis, or Neurosis, you know, minus the grit and rawness and power, and plus a "deep and brooding" tone of melancholy. I'll never understand why people think, like, "monotony = deep!"

Please, don't continue to use arguments like, "they received awards!" or "they're still going strong!" to support why they're good or creative.
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