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Old 08-23-2009, 05:32 PM   #3932 (permalink)
Juicious Maximus III
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Sidewinder, what did you think of it?

I just saw Noroi - The Curse ..

It's about a paranormal researcher who researches strange occurrences which are of course related. A kidnapping, possession, ancient rituals, psychics and people dying in mysterious ways. The researcher has a camera man and they document everything that happens on film. Basically, the whole movie is shot like a documentary style film with interviews, shaky camera movement with bad quality and bits of TV edited in. The movie starts out with a mystery and the viewer comes along for the ride when the investigator tries to unravel it.

Of course, like they did with Blairwitch, the filmmakers here have tried to make a story that seems like it could be true. The people in the film are supposed to feel like real people rather than actors and of coruse the documentary style is supposed to give you a feeling of credibility. It actually works out quite well, very few of the people in the film actually feel like actors. There is one particularly annoying tin foil man that gets a lot of onscreen time which is perhaps the least credible and there are a couple of things people do here that might seem a little weird, but overall they did a very good job of making this seem "real".

The reason I wanted to watch it is I've read quite a lot of praise and I also read that this was going to be really scary. To me it was good, reasonably entertaining and the mystery was interesting. I didn't find the movie very scary - it's not really the kind of horror that scares me the most - so with that bit out of the picture, I thought the movie was a little slow-paced.

I'd say good, but not essential .. Those who enjoy mystery films should watch it. People who thought the Blairwitch Project was spooky might also like this if they like getting scared. The movies are quite different in everything except the way it tells the story (people filming what happens to them), but if that's what made Blairwitch work for you, it probably does the job just as well in this one if not better.

Something Completely Different
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